Health Value CommunityTM
Partnering for sustainable community health and healthcare

Community Focus

Why Local Healthcare Reform Works

Because each community's demographics, employer base, healthcare infrastructure and culture are unique, a "one size fits all" approach to health reform typically does not meet a community's needs. Community-based health reform works because it is tailored to the local environment with greater control over system design, resources and decisions.


     Health Value CommunityTM Benefits

TM  framework proactively addresses multiple components of reform, through starter programs and broad participation in the sharing of ideas and learnings. By starting with demonstration projects, HVCTM takes a proven approach to tackling the enormity and complexity that is inherent in system restructuring.

Value to Participating Organizations

                Improves employee health and productivity  

                Helps manage costs of health benefits

                Modest upfront financial investment

                Enhances visibility and leadership in

                Sharing of resources and best practices
                other community organizations

Benefits to the Community

     Improves the health of the community
     using existing resources 

     Coordinates existing programs and 

     Extends and strengthens community

      Engages healthcare providers, employers
      non-profit and governmental bodies

      Leverages community successes from
      throughout the United States 

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