Health Value CommunityTM
Partnering for sustainable community health and healthcare
                           Getting Started

 To start realizing the benefits of HVCTM within the community, participants will:


1.   Conduct a rapid feasibility study to Identify and garner potential
       health benefit cost savings and determine receptiveness and readiness

2.    Commit to Reinvest a portion of health benefit cost savings to
        improve employee and community health
3.    Collaborate with other employers and healthcare partners in
        demonstration projects to generate ownership, accelerate learning and 
        knowledge transfer, plus create critical mass for actions to improve
        community health

        * Create shared goals, priorities and vision

        * Identify targeted high value program initiatives

        * Engage community physicians and hospitals in programs 
           and initiatives

        * Develop employer health plan demonstrations, including 
           vendor process pilots

        * Execute with the intention of replicability, scalability      
           and contributing to the data base in the broader community

4.    Build momentum, and infrastructure to support sustainable
       community health development

        * Leverage valuable existing initiatives and organizational commitments 
           that already serve the community
        * Expand capacity to incorporate and serve the entire community

        * Measure and report value, continually seeking improved outcomes and 

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